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Margaret River Readers and Writers Festival 2024

YA for WA is so excited to be participating in the Margaret River Readers and Writers Festival again!

On May 17, I'll be heading down for a weekend on beautiful Wadandi land and soaking up all the writerly goodness - and presenting some sessions myself! Here's the details:

Friday, May 17, 2:00 - 3:15: We Didn't Start the Fire!

Temperatures soaring, natural disasters increasing, sea levels rising, coral reefs dying, the Arctic melting and forests burning. What kind of a future do we have to look forward to and how will the next generation face these challenges? Join host Bianca Breen (YA for WA), students from Margaret River Senior High School, and authors Graham Akhurst and Brendan Ritchie to discuss the very real threat of the climate crisis and how young people see their future.

Saturday, May 18, 2:00 - 3:30: Let's Get Together YA'll

Ever wondered what life is like as a published author? How do they win writing awards? What are the secrets of editing? Come along to hear from three amazing Aussie Young Adult (YA) authors as they discuss the ins and outs of their book-crafting process. With snacks, a microfiction writing competition to win $100, and a fun atmosphere this event is a must for any budding writers or YA booklovers. YA for WA’s Bianca Breen hosts guest YA authors, Graham Akhurst, Deb Fitzpatrick and Mark Smith.

These sessions are going to be so informative, interesting, and fun. I can't wait to hear from these authors and meet other YA lovers.

Grab your tickets and check out the rest of the program on the festival's website.


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